Thursday, December 3, 2009

March Along the Big Thompson

In the winter world we have in Colorado there are times when you see snow and everything snow stands for in just a different way. This painting is one of those times, I waded through foot deep snow in order to photograph this beautiful river, cutting its way through the deep snow.
Unfortunately, as I raised my camera to take the photos, my batteries just died! So, back down
to the van to see if I had any more batteries, I was amazed that I actually did. Back up the banks, wading in the deep snow, trying to fit into my previous footprints so that my feet and pants wouldn't get any wetter than they already were...finally got my photos. Ah, the life of an artist...persevere is the name of the game!
This painting was accepted into the International Richeson Pastels 75 for 2010! How exciting and how gratifying to have your work appreciated...I possibly spent 30 hours on this painting, which is only 14 x 18, but has many, many layers of pastels!
It's a wonderful day in Colorado when the snow piles up in blue shadows and yet it is warm enough to run around and take photos, I am not quite up to painting out there, however!!